Start of a New Year with New Spirit: Inaugural Ceremony of BPS Tegal Regency 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Start of a New Year with New Spirit: Inaugural Ceremony of BPS Tegal Regency 2024

Start of a New Year with New Spirit: Inaugural Ceremony of BPS Tegal Regency 2024

January 2, 2024 | Other Activities

Tegal, January 2, 2024 - Entering the beginning of 2024, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Tegal Regency started a new momentum by holding an inaugural ceremony. The activity, which was held at 07.30 - 08.00, was led directly by the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, SST, M.Si. This event was attended by all employees of BPS Tegal Regency.
In his direction, the Head of BPS Tegal Regency conveyed several important things to all employees. First, he reminded them to seriously implement what has been planned in 2023. The implementation of the plan is expected to be a strong foundation in giving maximum contribution to BPS Tegal Regency.
Furthermore, the Head of BPS Tegal Regency also emphasized the importance of preparing the SPT (Annual Notification Letter) Report immediately. This is part of the obligations and responsibilities as employees and apparatus within BPS. An accurate and timely SPT report is an indicator of the discipline and professionalism of each employee.
With enthusiasm, Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji conveyed the third message to all employees, which was to welcome the future with a new spirit. This new spirit is expected to be a driving force to face various challenges and achieve higher achievements in 2024.
The inaugural ceremony of 2024 Tegal Regency BPS ended with enthusiasm and optimism from all employees, marking a new beginning and a joint commitment in providing the best statistical services for the people of Tegal Regency. (uong)
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