Briefing on the Migration of Rice Cropping to Fasih: - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Briefing on the Migration of Rice Cropping to Fasih:

Briefing on the Migration of Rice Cropping to Fasih:

January 12, 2024 | BPS Activities

Slawi, January 12, 2024 - The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Tegal Regency held a briefing for Rice Cropping officers at Edna Restaurant in Slawi. This activity aimed to prepare officers in conducting a rice census survey using the Fasih application, which is a survey and census application owned by BPS.

The briefing was attended by around 52 rice census officers consisting of Tegal Regency BPS employees and statistical partners. The briefing was opened by Diana Dwi Susanti, an Associate Expert Statistician, who gave an introduction to the importance of the data from rice tiling for food security in Indonesia.

"Rice tiling is one of the methods to determine the estimated yield of rice still in the field through sampling, measuring, and weighing. Rice tiling data is used as one of the elements in calculating national rice production. Therefore, the data must be accurate, valid, and timely," said Diana.

The main speaker in this briefing was Tri Wahyuni, head of the Production Statistics Team, who explained the material related to the migration of Rice Cropping to Fasih in 2024. According to Tri, this migration was carried out to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of the data.
"For this reason, starting in 2024, the rice ubinan will use the CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) method using the Fasih application. This application can load various survey and census questionnaires, and has features that support the data collection process, such as data validation, geotagging, photos, and online data synchronization," Tri added.
Tri also gave a demonstration of the use of the Fasih application for rice ubinan, starting from how to log in, fill in the questionnaire, take photos, to send data. In addition, Tri also provided simulations and exercises to the briefing participants to master the Fasih application. "We hope that by using the Fasih application, rice lottery officers can work more easily, quickly, and accurately," Tri concluded. (Wind)
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