Coordination Meeting Regarding Beautiful Village in Sidapurna Village, Dukuhturi District - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Coordination Meeting Regarding Beautiful Village in Sidapurna Village, Dukuhturi District

Coordination Meeting Regarding Beautiful Village in Sidapurna Village, Dukuhturi District

March 16, 2022 | Other Activities

In 2021, BPS has designed a village-level sectoral statistical development program through the Desa Cinta Statistik (Desa Cantik) program by collaborating with relevant ministries/institutions, namely the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT). Desa Cinta Statistik is one of the quick wins programs for optimizing and standardizing sectoral statistical development carried out by BPS with a focus on villages. The focus of BPS is to develop 100 statistical love villages as a booster in development and influence other villages.
Related to this, on Wednesday (17/03) yesterday, BPS Tegal Regency held a coordination meeting with the Sidapurna village apparatus to follow up the process of establishing the Cinta Statistik Village (Desa Cantik) in the village. During this visit, Ratna Sari Dewi as the Head of the Beautiful Village Team of BPS Tegal Regency was accompanied by Martin Muktiasih and friends of STIS Interns Isna, Fatih, Dzatu and Lathifah. After discussing with the Sidapurna Village apparatus represented by Bondan Iskandar, the results of the coordination meeting were then used as a source in compiling statistical information needed at the relevant village level.
Sidapurna Village is a village with good data collection administration and management in Dukuhturi District. However, the storage of all data only relies on village PCs and there is no independent container/system that can accommodate the entire database into one whole so that village officials are easy to update incoming data efficiently every time. If the supporting facilities for data collection activities have been formed and are ready to use, further coaching training related to the Statstik Cinta Village in Sidapurna can be carried out and the business process of establishing the Beautiful Village can be explained to all relevant agencies.(Latifah/STIS)
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