Guiding the Application of SDI Principles to Statistical Activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

Guiding the Application of SDI Principles to Statistical Activities

Guiding the Application of SDI Principles to Statistical Activities

February 13, 2024 | Other Activities

On February 13 2024, in the meeting room of the Tegal Regency Communication and Informatics Service, sectoral statistics development was carried out in preparation for the evaluation of the 1st dimension Sectoral Statistical Assessment related to One Indonesian Data (SDI). This meeting was chaired by Mrs. Sri Rejeki, S.IP, MM, who serves as Head of Data, Statistics and Coding.

In this coaching, Tegal Regency BPS Associate Expert statistician, Mrs. Diana Dwi Susanti, S.ST, emphasized the importance of meeting the SDI principle criteria in every statistical activity carried out. Present on this occasion were representatives from the Food Security and Agriculture Service as well as representatives from the Tegal Regency Fisheries and Maritime Service.

One of the goals of this coaching is to harmonize understanding, namely ensuring that all parties involved have a uniform understanding of the objectives, agenda and evaluation criteria that will be carried out regarding the basic principles of SDI. In this coaching meeting, planning is also carried out in preparing effective work plans and preparation strategies, including the appropriate allocation of resources to achieve the objectives of the evaluation that will be carried out. Don't forget that this opportunity also determines the responsibilities of each relevant party in ensuring the smoothness and success of the evaluation, so that there is no confusion regarding who is responsible for the assigned tasks.

Thus, preparatory meetings have significant benefits in ensuring the smooth and successful evaluation of the Sectoral Statistical Assessment dimension 1 related to SDI, as well as in improving the quality and efficiency of the sectoral statistical process as a whole. (Mart)

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