Evaluation of the Implementation of One Data Sectoral Statistics Activities and Launching of the Datawarehouse Application and Sate Tegal - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Evaluation of the Implementation of One Data Sectoral Statistics Activities and Launching of the Datawarehouse Application and Sate Tegal

Evaluation of the Implementation of One Data Sectoral Statistics Activities and Launching of the Datawarehouse Application and Sate Tegal

January 22, 2025 | Other Activities

On Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at the Dadali Building, Diskominfo held an Evaluation of the Implementation of One Data Sectoral Statistics Activities and the Launching of the Datawarehouse Application and Sate (Integrated One Data) Tegal. This event was attended by the Acting Secretary of the Region, Muhammad Faried Wajdi, who also opened the event, the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, and the Heads of OPD Tegal Regency. This event aims to enhance inter-agency cooperation in supporting sectoral statistics activities in Tegal Regency.

The Head of Diskominfo Tegal Regency, Dra. Nurhayati, MM, delivered a presentation on the Introduction of the Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Application Innovation, which is designed to be a central integrated data center. This application is expected to support efficient data management and serve as a basis for the government in formulating targeted policies and interventions. The launch of this application began with an inauguration ceremony conducted by the Head of Diskominfo together with the Secretary of the Region of Tegal Regency.

In addition, this event also included a presentation on the Evaluation of Sectoral Statistics Guidance by the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, SST, M.si. In this evaluation, the Head of BPS Tegal Regency emphasized the importance of the role and contribution of each village in supporting the development and accuracy of sectoral statistical data. He asserted that this bottom-up guidance is key to ensuring that the data collected is more valid and relevant. Inter-agency cooperation is needed to strengthen the planning and development process of Tegal Regency as a whole. This event went smoothly and ended with a group photo session. (DWS)

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