Monday Ngangeni: Socialization of Bank Syariah Indonesia Tegal Branch - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

Monday Ngangeni: Socialization of Bank Syariah Indonesia Tegal Branch

Monday Ngangeni: Socialization of Bank Syariah Indonesia Tegal Branch

February 19, 2024 | Other Activities

On February 19, 2024, the Monday Ngangeni event was held offline in the Technical Room of BPS Tegal Regency. This event aimed to socialize Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) products to the employees of BPS Tegal Regency.
The event started at 14.00 WIB with the main theme "Socialization of BSI Products Tegal Branch". The MC of Monday Ngangeni this time was entrusted to Adi Prayitno and Anni Shofi, who enthusiastically guided the event. While as the apple operator, Ari Yulianto was responsible for ensuring the technical smoothness of the event. The Tegal Regency BPS Social Media Team was in charge of documentation, ensuring that every precious moment of this event was captured. Winda was appointed as the minutes taker, responsible for recording every important point discussed during this event.
The main speaker of the event was the Head of BSI Tegal Branch Office, who provided an in-depth insight into the concepts, products and services offered by Bank Syariah Indonesia. The participants gained a better understanding of the principles of Islamic banking as well as the benefits that can be derived from the services available.
The Monday Ngangeni event is expected to increase the understanding of BPS Tegal Regency employees about Islamic banking and encourage increased cooperation between BPS and Bank Syariah Indonesia.(Uonk)
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