Declaration of Statistical Literacy Corner of SMA N 3 SLAWI - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Declaration of Statistical Literacy Corner of SMA N 3 SLAWI

Declaration of Statistical Literacy Corner of SMA N 3 SLAWI

May 6, 2024 | Other Activities

Monday, May 6, 2024, the Central Bureau of Statistics of Tegal Regency launched the Statistical Literacy Corner Goes to School at SMAN 3 Slawi. It started with a flag ceremony with the participants being students and teachers at SMAN 3 Slawi to socialize the official launch of the Statistical Literacy Corner activities and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on statistical literacy coaching between the Head of BPS Tegal Regency Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, S.ST, M.Si and the Principal of SMAN 3 Slawi Masduki, S.Pd, M.Pd.

The Statistical Literacy Corner Goes to School activity is part of statistical coaching activities to create superior human resources, especially in statistical literacy competencies. This activity was carried out in stages starting in 2023 by conducting socialization to representative students of classes XII, XI and X around 300 people and is targeted to be completed in May 2025. In 2024, BPS Tegal Regency has provided statistical literacy training to representatives of class X and XI students of SMAN 3 Slawi with material on the preparation of questionnaires and surveys, data processing and data visualization. This activity went smoothly and was followed very enthusiastically by the students.

The Head of the Statistics Go to School Team, Ika Efrilia, SE, MM explained that the purpose of this activity is to improve statistical literacy to students and the scope of SMAN 3 Slawi and provide provisions to students primarily in terms of statistics and its usefulness in the learning process. This activity will be carried out on a scheduled basis every month with structured and thematic coaching material in the statistical literacy corner room located at SMAN 3 Slawi, then it will be evaluated gradually the synergy of this activity to see the impact/outcome on the learning process carried out at school.

The activity continued with a friendly session and discussion with the Go to School Team and the Principal and student representatives to continue the programmatic and thematic statistical literacy coaching. (Ikafrilia) 

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