Rice Harvest in Balaradin Village, Most Farmers Opt for the Tebasan System - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Rice Harvest in Balaradin Village, Most Farmers Opt for the Tebasan System

Rice Harvest in Balaradin Village, Most Farmers Opt for the Tebasan System

July 28, 2024 | BPS Activities

Lebaksiu, July 28, 2024 - The rice harvesting season in Balaradin Village, Lebaksiu District, Tegal Regency is reaching its peak. Enumerator Agung Wicaksono and Supervisor Ari Yulianto, who visited the farmers' fields on Sunday morning (28/7) at 08:15 AM, reported that most of the rice plants in this village will enter the harvesting period by the end of July and mid-August.

The majority of farmers in Balaradin Village choose to sell their harvest using the tebasan system. This system involves selling the rice to the reapers before the harvest, at a pre-agreed price.

"The rice plants here are ready for harvest. Most farmers choose to sell their harvest using the tebasan system," said Agung Wicaksono.

The tebasan system is a common practice in various regions in Indonesia, especially in rural areas. This system offers advantages to farmers, such as receiving cash before the harvest and avoiding the hassle of the harvesting process. However, the system also has its drawbacks, such as the usually lower price of rice compared to post-harvest sales.

Nevertheless, the tebasan system remains a popular choice for many farmers in Balaradin Village. This indicates that the system is still considered beneficial and practical for them.

Agung and Ari conducted rice sampling in the designated plots. The results were satisfactory, and the data was promptly sent to the Central Statistics Agency of Indonesia to be consolidated with the sampling data from other regions.(Ary)

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