Spatial Classification of SR2 Rice Fields in Sumbaga Village, Bumijawa Subdistrict - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Spatial Classification of SR2 Rice Fields in Sumbaga Village, Bumijawa Subdistrict

Spatial Classification of SR2 Rice Fields in Sumbaga Village, Bumijawa Subdistrict

August 2, 2024 | BPS Activities

August 2, 2024 — The results of the spatial classification (Kerangka Sampling Area, or KSA) for SR2 rice fields in the bumijawa subdistric area present unique challenges. These fields are located far from residential areas and require extra effort due to the hilly terrain, with a travel distance of approximately 2 kilometers from the accessible road.

According to one of the rice farmers, this season’s harvest has experienced a significant decline. The main contributing factor is the difficulty in obtaining fertilizer, which is both scarce and expensive. Consequently, fertilization has been minimal, resulting in suboptimal rice growth.

The farmers hope that these issues can be addressed. In addition to desiring more affordable and accessible fertilizers, they also request improvements to the irrigation channels. With proper irrigation, they anticipate optimal rice growth.

In this rice field survey, Gilang Windiarto served as the enumerator, while Dedy Wijatmiko supervised the process. Both play crucial roles in ensuring accurate and relevant data collection. (Dedy)

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