BPS Kabupaten Tegal Enlivens the August 17 Carnival with a Spirit of Togetherness - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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BPS Kabupaten Tegal Enlivens the August 17 Carnival with a Spirit of Togetherness

BPS Kabupaten Tegal Enlivens the August 17 Carnival with a Spirit of Togetherness

August 24, 2024 | Other Activities

Slawi, August 24, 2024 - A festive and spirited atmosphere colors the August 17 Carnival in Tegal Regency, held today. All Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in Tegal Regency, including the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Tegal Regency, participated in this annual event.

BPS Tegal Regency deployed all of its employees, including the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, and the General Subsection Head, Andi Kurniawan. They walked together, showing a spirit of togetherness and unity in celebrating the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.

The carnival, which started at 12:30 PM from GOR Trisanja Stadium, ended at the Tegal Regency Government Office around 6:00 PM. The participants, consisting of all OPD members, showcased their creativity and uniqueness. Interestingly, all participants carried out the carnival without using motorized vehicles. They chose to use pedicabs or bicycles, demonstrating a commitment to environmental sustainability and prioritizing health.

The Acting Regent of Tegal Regency, Agustyarsyah, welcomed the participation of all carnival participants. He emphasized the importance of the spirit of togetherness and unity in celebrating Independence Day. In front of the honor stage, the carnival participants showcased their best performances, entertaining the crowd filling the streets.

This annual event captivated many residents of Tegal Regency who took to the streets to witness the carnival festivities. The spirit of nationalism and togetherness radiated from the faces of the participants and the audience witnessing the event. The August 17 Carnival in Tegal Regency is not just a celebration but also a moment to remind us all of the meaning of independence and the importance of national unity. (Uonk)
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