Tegal Regency Holds Sectoral Statistics Evaluation and National Statistics Day Seminar - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Tegal Regency Holds Sectoral Statistics Evaluation and National Statistics Day Seminar

Tegal Regency Holds Sectoral Statistics Evaluation and National Statistics Day Seminar

October 2, 2024 | Other Activities

Tegal, October 2, 2024 - The Tegal Regency Statistics Agency (BPS Kabupaten Tegal) held the Sectoral Statistics Evaluation and National Statistics Day Seminar 2024 at the Antasena Room, Grand Dian Guci Hotel, Jl. Raya Wisata Guci Km. 2 Bojong, Tegal Regency. The seminar aimed to support the dissemination of statistical information and enhance the quality of statistical information services to various stakeholders.

BPS continues to strive to build the One Data Indonesia System, which aims to improve data literacy and the value of statistics, as well as support interoperability and collaborative data exploration, in accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 on One Data Indonesia.

BPS Kabupaten Tegal also demonstrates its commitment to improving the quality of government governance through a seminar themed "Digital Transformation and Statistics Evaluation: Synergy for a Progressive Tegal Regency." This seminar involved various related agencies and institutions in the government.

In her speech, the Head of the Central Java Provincial BPS, Ir. Endang Tri Wahyuningsih, M.M., who attended virtually, emphasized the benefits of statistics for regional development. "Statistics can help identify problems in each sector, formulate targeted policies, allocate budgets effectively, and monitor the progress of development programs," she said. Endang also expressed her appreciation for Tegal Regency's initiative in organizing this seminar, emphasizing that digital transformation and the utilization of statistical data are key to achieving sustainable development.

The seminar featured speakers Dr. Muchammad Romzi, Director of Statistics Analysis and Development at BPS RI, who attended virtually, and Dr. Maufur, M.PD, a Pedagogy Lecturer at the Pancasakti Tegal University Postgraduate Program, who attended in person. The event was moderated by Dra. Nurhidayati, MM, Head of the Tegal Regency Communication and Information Agency.

The event was officially opened by the Acting Regent of Tegal, Dr. Agustyarsyah, S.SiT., SH., MP. He emphasized the importance of utilizing accurate statistical data to support more effective decision-making in regional development. "Accurate Data, Great Policies," he asserted.

In recognition of the active contribution of Regional Government Agencies (OPD) in providing statistical data, BPS Kabupaten Tegal awarded several awards. The Cooperative, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Trade Agency received the award for the best statistical recommendation reporting criteria. The Communication and Information Agency was recognized as the most responsive OPD in sectoral statistics development. The Industry, Transmigration, and Manpower Agency received the award for the best metadata reporting criteria. Meanwhile, Pangkah and Jatinegara Districts received awards for the Best OPD with the Best Statistical Recommendation Reporting Criteria for District Profile Publications.

In addition to OPDs, several companies and individuals also received awards for their contributions to providing statistical data. Joglo Ageng Guci Tegal was named the best respondent in the tourism statistics survey. Perumda Tirta Ayu Kabupaten Tegal received the Best Respondent Award for the Industry and Energy Statistics Survey, while PT. Kenlee Indonesia received the Best Respondent Award for the Price and Producer Statistics Survey.

The Tegal Regency Statistics Agency (BPS Kabupaten Tegal) also expressed appreciation to several statistical partners who have made significant contributions to supporting statistical activities in the region. Some of the names that received awards include Moh Afip as the Favorite Statistics Partner, Ifan Pratama as the Best Statistics Partner in the Company Survey Category, Giany Sofira Utami as the Best Statistics Partner in the Household Survey Category, Umar David Ramadani as the Best Statistics Partner in the Observation Survey Category, and Andriani Puspitasari as the Best Statistics Partner in the Data Processing Category.

This seminar also served as a platform for young people to showcase their creativity and concern for regional development. The high school-level essay writing competition held as part of the event successfully attracted many participants. Ardiva Arya Diandra from SMA N 1 Slawi emerged as the first-place winner with her essay on the theme of Generation Z's digital literacy. (tri w)

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