Desa Sidapurna Holds Training for Statistical Agents - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Desa Sidapurna Holds Training for Statistical Agents

Desa Sidapurna Holds Training for Statistical Agents

October 3, 2024 | Other Activities

Tegal, October 3, 2024 - BPS Kabupaten Tegal participated in a training session on data collection for the "Desa Cantik" program, held in Desa Sidapurna, Dukuhturi District, Tegal Regency. The event, which was conducted in a solemn atmosphere, was opened by the Head of Desa Sidapurna, Faizin, and attended by the Head of BPS Kabupaten Tegal, Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, Senior Statistician Diana Dwi Susanti, and the "Desa Cantik" Team led by Martin Muktiasih.

In his speech, the Head of BPS Kabupaten Tegal, Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, expressed gratitude to all parties involved in the "Desa Cantik" program, including the statistical agents and the "Desa Cantik" team. "Thank you for the hard work of everyone involved, making the "Desa Cantik" program a success," said Bambang.

The Head of Desa Sidapurna, Faizin, expressed his pride that his village was chosen as one of three villages in Tegal Regency designated as "Desa Cantik." "We are proud to be "Desa Cantik," and we hope that the statistical agents can carry out data collection to the best of their ability," he said.

The training on "Desa Cantik" data collection went smoothly, guided by Lukni, the Treasurer of Desa Sidapurna, and Anni Shofiyyati from BPS. The training materials covered the proper procedures for data collection, ensuring that the statistical agents could perform their duties optimally.

This training is expected to improve the quality of statistical data in Desa Sidapurna, enabling it to be used to support development programs in the village. The "Desa Cantik" program is an initiative of BPS Kabupaten Tegal to encourage local economic growth through the development of small and medium enterprises in village. (Ann)
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