Supervision of E-commerce Survey Data Collection in Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Supervision of E-commerce Survey Data Collection in Tegal Regency

Supervision of E-commerce Survey Data Collection in Tegal Regency

October 14, 2024 | BPS Activities

Tegal, Central Java - "Everything in the palm of your hand" is an apt expression to describe the convenience and comfort offered by e-commerce. With e-commerce, various needs can be met with just a few clicks on your device. From shopping for daily necessities, ordering food, to buying electronic goods, everything can be done easily and quickly.
The presence of e-commerce not only changes the consumption patterns and lifestyles of the community but also creates new economic opportunities for individuals to become entrepreneurs. This is expected to expand job opportunities in the future.
To understand the development of e-commerce in Indonesia, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) conducts an e-commerce survey. This activity starts with the registration of companies (listing) in the field before sample selection.
"The purpose of listing is to register all buildings and businesses/companies located within the boundaries of a census block," explained Martin Muktiasih, the e-commerce survey supervisor.
One of the e-commerce listing activities is carried out in Blubuk Village, Dukuhwaru District, and Talang Village, Talang District. Enumerators visit the assigned areas door-to-door to ensure all buildings are covered.
"Enumerators ask several questions to capture the presence of e-commerce," added Martin.
The staff use the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) application in the interview process. The e-commerce survey does not stop at company registration (listing) alone but will also involve sample data collection to be conducted from the fourth week of October to November.
"If an e-commerce staff member comes to your house, welcome them and provide answers according to the actual situation," urged Martin. "Your answers are very meaningful for the progress of the nation."

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