BPS Tegal Regency Participates in National Webinar: Mastering Data Visualization with Metabase - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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BPS Tegal Regency Participates in National Webinar: Mastering Data Visualization with Metabase

BPS Tegal Regency Participates in National Webinar: Mastering Data Visualization with Metabase

December 24, 2024 | Other Activities

Tegal, December 24, 2024 – The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Tegal Regency participated in a national webinar entitled "Internalization of Data Visualization with Metabase" on Tuesday, December 24, 2024, from 08.00 to 11.00 WIB. The webinar, organized by the BPS of Central Java Province, was attended by representatives from BPS Tegal Regency, namely Diana Dwi Susanti and Imam Furqon Roziqin.

The webinar was officially opened by the Head of BPS Central Java Province, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih, who delivered a speech and expressed appreciation for the event. Ms. Endang emphasized the importance of mastering data visualization for all BPS employees in improving work quality and information delivery.

The webinar featured Medha Wardhany, a Young Statistician from BPS Central Java Province, as the main speaker. The material presented included the basic concepts of data visualization, its methods, and interpretation. The webinar also discussed the benefits of data visualization in making more effective policy decisions, improving work efficiency, strengthening communication, and driving innovation.

Participants were invited to understand various types of diagrams and data visualizations, such as bar charts, pie charts, line charts, scatter plots, and maps. The webinar also explained various types of data visualizations based on their purpose, as well as the basic components of effective data visualization.

One of the main focuses of the webinar was the introduction of Metabase, an open-source, web-based platform that allows multi-source data connections, multi-user access, ease of use, and high flexibility. Metabase is considered a suitable tool for data analysis, report generation, and interactive dashboards, even without requiring in-depth technical knowledge. The basic concepts of Metabase, including dashboards, SQL and GUI-based queries, as well as filtering and grouping, were explained in detail.

The participation of BPS Tegal Regency in this webinar is expected to enhance the ability of data analysts to process and present statistical data more effectively and informatively, thus supporting the development of more high-quality reports and data publications. (uonk)
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