BPS White Uniform - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

BPS White Uniform

BPS White Uniform

March 16, 2021 | Other Activities

In accordance with the Regulation of the minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) Number 6 of 2016, the use of official uniforms for the Ministry of Home Affairs and Regional Government Civil Servants (PNS) has been regulated on Wednesday a white shirt top and dark subordinates. Meanwhile, for the Central Bureau of Statistics, following the directions of the Center, it is used on Tuesdays every week followed by BPS ranks below it.
Regarding the white uniform, Minister of Home Affairs  said it reflected cleanliness, because white is clean, as quoted by the website www.kemendagri.go.id. And his agency only translates what President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants to do about a mental revolution in the bureaucracy. That's why local government officials must also implement this system. His attempt is to give symbols to his clothes. that government officials are asked to serve more with their hearts towards the wider community.
The philosophical value that wants to be described from the color of this clothing, especially BPS as part of the Government apparatus is to strive to be clean (not corrupt), to be able to do better for the public to serve with heart. With the quality of data produced professionally and the appearance of both human resources and authoritative physical office. Elegant and quality office. Please pray and support, I hope BPS can make all this happen, OK? SOBAT DATA? …… .TOGETHER WE ARE BETTER …………. (tri / nerwil)
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