Kartini BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Happy National Judiciary Day March 1, 2025

Kartini BPS

Kartini BPS

April 21, 2021 | Other Activities

Every April 21st, the Indonesian nation is reminded of the heroine figure of the Hero, Ibu Kita Kartini. Where Raden Ajeng Kartini is a female figure in the history of heroism who made a huge contribution to the world of education in Indonesia, her extraordinary enthusiasm for learning, and her strong principles, can be used as a good example to create today's young generation.

Kartini's spirit can still be applied in today's life. "Her spirit has only two words, the motto 'I Want', with that spirit RA Kartini was able to establish a women's education school at that time. So we, as BPS Srikandi, also enjoy the results, so that we can get any education while we are willing and able.

The heroine of BPS of Tegal Regency is a female female employee of BPS who is no less important than men in carrying out State duties as data collectors, data processing or presenting data in the form of publications or dynamic tables.

Sometimes we have to go to the fields for Ubinan or KSA surveys, go to the market for price surveys, visit companies for industrial data, or to households affected by susenas or sakernas samples. Even if there is a need to stay overtime until late at night, when the deadline is met, when handling the handling if there is a large need for the Population Census, Economic Census and Agricultural Census. We do all that as a form of dedication to the nation to become Professional, with integrity and trustworthy in carrying out our obligations.

Hopefully the "spirit" of Kartini's spirit will always be the soul for Srikandi of BPS Tegal Regency. Ganbatte !! (tri / Nerwil)
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