Between PPKM and Annual IMK (Micro and Small Industry) Enumeration - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Between PPKM and Annual IMK (Micro and Small Industry) Enumeration

Between PPKM and Annual IMK (Micro and Small Industry) Enumeration

September 15, 2021 | BPS Activities

From August 25 to September 15 2021, an Annual IMK enumeration was carried out in 34 BS with a total sample of 491 businesses and the number of Partner enumerators as many as 23 officers.

The sample enumeration coincided with the implementation of PPKM level 4 for the Tegal Regency area, so the officers had to think of a special strategy so that their arrival was not rejected outright by the respondents.

The Annual IMK Survey Officers have been equipped with PPE so that they can continue to carry out strict PROKES (Health Protocols) during the enumeration.

In addition to survey officers, respondents also received a mask package as a souvenir. Souvenirs in the form of mask packages are the wisest choice during a pandemic like now.

The area with the fat sample for this Annual IMK Enumeration is Lawatan Village, Dukuhturi District with a total sample of 45 businesses dominated by the shutlecock industry.

This Annual IMK survey is expected to provide an overview of the condition of Micro and Small Industries in Tegal Regency.(mila/prod)
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