Good Governance, Clean Government - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Good Governance, Clean Government

Good Governance, Clean Government

October 22, 2021 | Other Activities

Coinciding on 18 - 23 October 2021, BPS Tegal Regency visited the BPS RI Inspectorate Auditor Team for the Financial Administration Audit. The arrival of the BPS RI Inspectorate Auditor Team was welcomed and received very well by the Head of BPS Tegal Regency.
Audit is an activity of collecting and evaluating evidence which is carried out systematically and objectively. The implementation of financial management audit activities related to the Annual Supervision Work Program (PKPT) carried out by the Regional Inspectorate III for Fiscal Year 2021. The purpose of this activity is to improve the technical quality and orderly administration in every activity carried out by BPS to encourage the realization of good governance and clean government.
The Examining Auditor Team consists of 3 people, namely Nurmiati, SE as the head of the Auditor Team, with members Adi Gunaryo, S.Si and Alfidiansyah Ardief, SE. The inspections carried out include physical checking of State Property (BMN), checking of cash and inventory for 2021, employee administration and so on. The audit results are expected to be used as evaluation material for activities in the following year so that not only the quality of the data continues to improve, but also can be supported by good and neat administrative processing. (Lathifah/STIS)
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