Beautiful Village, Introducing BPS from the Village Level - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Beautiful Village, Introducing BPS from the Village Level

Beautiful Village, Introducing BPS from the Village Level

January 3, 2022 | Other Activities

The implementation of bureaucratic reform is very important to be developed systematically and sustainably by all government agencies, including the Central Statistics Agency. In order to accelerate the implementation of bureaucratic reform, all government agencies are expected to be able to realize their respective quick wins.
In 2021, in an effort to achieve BPS quick wins, namely data education and introducing BPS from the village level, one of the innovations carried out by BPS was the Sector Statistics Development Program for the Cinta Statistik Village (Desa Cantik). Based on Law NO.16/1997 on statistics, the Beautiful Village Program is a form of BPS responsibility in providing sectoral statistics development.
Welcoming the beginning of 2022 with a fighting spirit and high ideals to be ready to collaborate in building the country, BPS Kabupaten Tegal started the year 2022, one of which was by preparing all the ammunition and needs for the implementation of the Beautiful Village Program. This program is planned to be released this year in selected villages.
On Tuesday (21/12/2021), BPS of Tegal Regency attended a coordination meeting related to the Socialization of the Beautiful Village Program in Pedeslohor Adiwerna Village with the resource persons from the Head of Pedeslohor Village, BPS and from BAPERMADES. The socialization was organized by the Village Community Empowerment Agency with participants from the Village Assistance Team, Village Local Assistance Team, Expert Team for Village Community Development and Empowerment Programs and all teams overseeing village development. Representatives from BPS of Tegal Regency who attended the coordination meeting were Hayyun Kartika Tri Harnoanto, S.Si, MM, Amin Sukardi, S.ST, M.Si and Ir. Tri Wahyuni.
The Development of Beautiful Village is a program to increase the competence of village officials in managing and utilizing data, so that village development planning is more targeted. The Beautiful Village Program is in line with One Data Indonesia's intention, namely realizing the linkage of planning, implementation, evaluation and control of development. With the Desa Cantik program in the future, community-based village information systems can be optimized. Let's together build changes in the Tegal Regency BPS for the better and better. (Lathifah/STIS)
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