Dukuhwaru District Coordination Team Update Evaluation Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Dukuhwaru District Coordination Team Update Evaluation Meeting

Dukuhwaru District Coordination Team Update Evaluation Meeting

May 17, 2022 | BPS Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics of Tegal Regency together with BPS All Indonesia from May 15 to May 31, 2022 are simultaneously updating the Census Blocks affected by the SP2020 Longform data collection sample. As Koseka in Dukuhwaru Subdistrict, Tri Wahyuni ​​held a meeting with the Team Coordinators, which consisted of 3 people, namely Tubagus Ali, Ika Aprilia and Ayu Wulandari to discuss the results of data collection updates for field survey officers in each Kortim. The allocation of one Kortim oversees 3 field survey officers.
Meanwhile, the evaluation meeting with the Kortim will be held at the Tegal Regency BPS Office on Friday, May 20, 2022 at 13.00 to submit one block of data collection for each PPL. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to equalize perceptions, concepts and definitions so that the results of the inspection carried out from the results of the update can be accounted for in terms of quality.
Many obstacles occurred in the field, and became complaints from officers in the field, including complaints from respondents who said "what's wrong, bro?, madam in the data?, what help do you want?", in this case the patience of a field data collector is needed to explain in detail and detail so that there is no miscommunication among the public. so that they could accept the presence of the officers in their midst. Community support to answer honestly and correctly is very helpful for the Government in formulating policies based on the results of the data collected. Let's welcome Indonesia Forward, Indonesia Grow by contributing to the realization of quality data for all of us. cheers. (Tri W)
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