Let's Succeed Beautiful Village, Love Statistics - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Let's Succeed Beautiful Village, Love Statistics

Let's Succeed Beautiful Village, Love Statistics

June 9, 2022 | Other Activities

One of the programs that will be implemented by BPS in 2022 is the Development of Beautiful Villages. Namely the Beautiful Village, the Village of Statistics Love. Development of sectoral statistics at the village level in a sustainable and comprehensive manner. This program has been implemented in 2021 and will be implemented again in 2022.
The general objective of this program is to increase literacy, awareness and the active role of village/kelurahan officials and the community in organizing statistical activities. The next objective is the Standardization of Statistical Data Management to maintain the quality and comparability of statistical indicators. Next is optimizing the use and utilization of statistical data so that development programs in villages/kelurahan are on target. The last objective is to establish statistical agents at the village/kelurahan level.
This Beautiful Village Program will be implemented at the village level with several predetermined criteria. Among them are the presence of a computer or internet in the village/kelurahan office as well as having tourism potential or superior product potential.
To support this program, training was first conducted for the 2022 Beautiful Village Trustees Candidates. The training, which was attended by the Beautiful Village Trustees throughout Indonesia, was held virtually from 6 to 17 June 2022. This training was directly opened by the Deputy for Social Statistics of BPS RI, Dr. Ateng Hartono SE, M.Sc.
In his presentation, the Deputy said that it needed support from all parties in the success of this Beautiful Village program. It is not enough from BPS as the leading sector in statistical development, but this program also needs support from the government from the central government, regional governments to village governments and the community. With the support of all parties, it is hoped that this program can run successfully and in turn can contribute to the development of Indonesia. Now is the time for the village to preen with the data and potential it has so that it becomes a charming and beautiful village. Yuuuuk Success Beautiful Village. (Mart)
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