BPS coordinates with the Department of Industry and Manpower for Quality IBS Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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BPS coordinates with the Department of Industry and Manpower for Quality IBS Data

BPS coordinates with the Department of Industry and Manpower for Quality IBS Data

June 28, 2022 | BPS Activities

On Tuesday 28 June 2022, in order to establish a close relationship with the company, the Head of BPS Tegal Regency Ir. Jamaludin, MM accompanied by Hayyun KTH, S.Si, MM as the Young Statistician of the Tegal Regency BPS visited the Tegal Regency Department of Industry and Manpower (DISPERINAKER) to coordinate joint visits to companies whose data had been entered but still needed to be completed.

In 2021, the contribution of Large and Medium Scale Industries (IBS) in the economic structure of Tegal Regency is 35.80%. For this reason, it is deemed necessary to conduct large and medium-scale industrial observations in the hope of being able to photograph the industry as a whole. This observation was carried out by means of the IBS Survey with the aim of providing complete, accurate, and relevant data and statistical information for large and medium industries for evaluation and development planning, especially for the manufacturing industry.

During his visit, Jamaludin explained that the reduction in poverty should not be linked to the rising unemployment rate in Tegal Regency. Some of the phenomena that cause high unemployment include:

1. The digital economy has not been included in the concept of work where a person is considered to be working if he carries out activities to earn or help earn an income for at least one hour in a row and uninterrupted in the past week.

2. Link and Match between SMK graduates and the needs of the world of work are not comparable. This is indicated by the highest TPT (Open Unemployment Rate) in Tegal Regency coming from SMK graduates, which is around 25%.

3. The characteristics of unemployment in Tegal Regency are categorized as voters. That is, they choose jobs according to their skills and education. As an example :

- Vocational graduates, especially automotive majors, are reluctant to work in garment factories because they feel that they are not in accordance with their expertise.

- Education and employment mismatch is still high, especially for highly educated workers. In Tegal Regency itself, the TPT (Open Unemployment Rate) comes from university graduates almost reaching 14%. University graduates tend to feel low levels of income and job satisfaction if they work in factories.

- The high number of unfilled job vacancies. For example, PT. Winners International, which is engaged in the garment sector, opens ±4000 job vacancies, while only around 2000 people register. (Ana)

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