Measuring the welfare of farmers through the Farmers Welfare Survey 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Measuring the welfare of farmers through the Farmers Welfare Survey 2023

Measuring the welfare of farmers through the Farmers Welfare Survey 2023

August 15, 2023 | BPS Activities

The agricultural sector is one of the sectors that plays an important role in human life and well-being. This sector also plays a role in the development and economy of a country. In Indonesia, the agricultural sector is a strategic sector that contributes to healthy economic growth and plays a role in improving food sustainability and product competitiveness in accordance with the 2020–2024 JMR. Given the vitality of this sector, farmers need special attention because of their vital role in driving the agricultural sector. The government's attention is realized through one of its policies aimed at improving the welfare of farmers.

This year, the Central Statistical Agency (BPS) organized the Farmers Welfare Survey 2023 (SKP-2023) to obtain indicators of farmers' well-being, taking multidimensional aspects into account. The indicators produced will include income and resource dimensions, health education, a decent standard of living, food and nutritional security, and risk mitigation. To obtain high-quality data, both detectives and field inspectors are trained before data collection.

"The SKP 2023 is implemented to compile the Provincial Farmers Welfare Index," said Bahtiar, the SKP Training Instructor for 2023. The training was followed by four field scouts and two field inspectors. It will be held at the Grand Dian Hotel for two days, from August 15 to 16, 2023. (anni)


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