On Thursday, October 19, 2023, in the office of the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Mr. Bambang Ponco Wahyu Aji, SST, M.Si, led an important briefing for the supervisors of BPS Tegal Regency's ubinan survey. The event was also attended by Ms. Diana Dwi Susanti, an Associate Expert Statistician, as well as the entire Tegal District BPS Cucumber supervisory team consisting of Salafudin, Abdillah Juniadi, Prawoto, Ema Tamaema, Martin Muktiasih, Adi Prayitno, Zulkarnaen Adhi Perdana, Heni Khristianawati, Ari Yulianto, Tri Wahyuni, Winda Dwi Janingrum, Amin Sukardi, and Adhi Prima Widhi Nugroho, who also serves as the Head of the Tegal District BPS Cucumber Team.
In his speech, the Head of BPS Tegal Regency emphasized the importance of a strong methodology that has made BPS remain a trusted institution. He reminded that Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) must be adhered to, especially in terms of observation and documentation of ubinan. Supervision conducted by field supervisors must ensure compliance with the SOPs, as well as ensuring the quality of the ubinan and noting any phenomena that arise in the field. Consolidation and cooperation between supervisors and ubinan officers is very important to produce quality ubinan data.
Meanwhile, Ms. Diana provided information related to the evaluation that has been conducted by BPS Central Java Province. One of the issues discussed was the increase in rice prices some time ago, which became the government's concern regarding the rice import policy. The decision, among other factors, relies heavily on the results of the ubinan survey. There are indications of violations of the SOP of ubinan that can create "moral hazard" is also a concern. Therefore, supervisors are expected to be more thorough in their supervision both in the field and in checking the documents of the ubinan results.
Ms. Diana emphasized that there will be a thorough evaluation of ubinan officers who are indicated to have violated the SOP. This is so that their performance can be accounted for in the event of an audit. With more intensive attention to SOPs and the quality of ubinan, BPS Tegal Regency is committed to continuing to provide accurate and quality ubinan data, which is very important for government policy and the development of the Tegal Regency area.(Wind).