Head of Bappeda and Litbang Tegal Regency Appreciates the Decrease in Poverty Rate - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Head of Bappeda and Litbang Tegal Regency Appreciates the Decrease in Poverty Rate

Head of Bappeda and Litbang Tegal Regency Appreciates the Decrease in Poverty Rate

November 1, 2023 | Other Activities

On November 1, 2023, the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) and Research and Development (Litbang) of Tegal Regency, M. Faried Wajdy, S.Sos, M.Si, welcomed the results of the Tegal Regency BPS survey which showed a decrease in poverty in this area. According to data from BPS Tegal Regency, Tegal Regency succeeded in reducing the poverty rate to 7.30% in 2023 or a decrease of 0.60 percentage points from 2022 which amounted to 7.90 percent.

This was the second highest rate of decline in Central Java after Magelang City. Thus, Tegal Regency ranks eighth as the regency/city with the lowest poverty rate in Central Java. Central Java.

Faried Wajdy thanked BPS Tegal Regency for its performance in conducting surveys accurately and professionally. He also appreciated the various programs and policies carried out by the local government to reduce poverty, such as the "yuk sekolah maning" program that provides tuition assistance for poor students, social assistance programs for poor families, cash-intensive programs for poor workers, and community economic empowerment programs.

Despite the declining poverty rate, Farid Wajdy admitted that there is still homework to be done regarding the open unemployment rate in Tegal Regency.

The local government will continue to strive to create jobs that match the needs and potential of the region, as well as improve the quality of human resources (HR) through education and training. He also expects the contribution of the industrial and trade sectors to help boost the regional economy more. (wind)
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