Follow-up Meeting on Metadata Data Collection of Tegal Regency Statistics - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Follow-up Meeting on Metadata Data Collection of Tegal Regency Statistics

Follow-up Meeting on Metadata Data Collection of Tegal Regency Statistics

November 7, 2023 | BPS Activities

The Tegal Regency Statistical Metadata Data Collection Follow-up Meeting was held on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 in the Loka Media Room of the Communication and Informatics Office (Kominfo) of Tegal Regency. This meeting was part of an effort to improve the quality and availability of statistical data in Tegal Regency in accordance with the One Data Indonesia standard.

The meeting was opened by the Head of the Tegal Regency Communication and Information Agency, Dra. Nurhayati, MM, who said that collecting statistical metadata is an important step to build an integrated and accurate information system. She also appreciated the cooperation between the Office of Communication and Information with the Tegal Regency Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and the Tegal Regency Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) in managing statistical data.

The meeting was attended by representatives of each Sectoral Statistics Team from BPS Tegal Regency, including Sodikin, Diana Dwi Susanti, Tri Wahyuni, Abdillah Juniadi, Imam Furqon Roziqin, Heny Khristianawati, Adnan Puji Wahyudi, Salafudin, M. Bakhtiar Helmi, Uziroh, and Kartika Sari Sunarno. In addition, the meeting was also attended by a Junior Expert Statistician from Bappeda Tegal Regency, Leny Rahayu Sad Astuti.

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