Jumat Wareg, From us To us - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Jumat Wareg, From us To us

Jumat Wareg, From us To us

November 10, 2023 | Other Activities

Friday, (10/11) coinciding with National Heroes' Day, BPS Tegal Regency employees carried out activities together, namely Friday Wareg. Friday Wareg is short for Friday Waras Resik Guyub and is one of the Bureaucratic Reform agendas that aims to strengthen ties and strengthen communication between employees. This event was held after all employees attended the online Heroes' Day Ceremony.  The togetherness event on Friday is by cooking together. Friday Wareg is a fun event and strengthens the bond between employees of BPS Tegal Regency. All employees participated in the activity. Cooking together is also very good for improving cooperation and getting to know each other.

Each employee takes their own role in preparing the food that will be served to all employees. After cooking, the event continued with eating together in the hallway of the technical room of BPS Tegal Regency. The event began with a prayer led by Ust Bakhtiar Helmi, S.ST, then eating together was carried out by all employees and the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Mr. Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, S.ST, M.Si. The moment of eating together felt very warm and meaningful. Delicious aromas and flavors definitely add to the enjoyment of the food eaten. With banana leaves, it also adds freshness in serving the dishes.
The next Friday Waras Resik Guyub activity can be an event that all employees of BPS Tegal Regency look forward to. Activities like this are very important to strengthen relationships and friendships among coworkers, as well as increase the spirit of working together.(4nn!)
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