Monday Ngangenin: Sharing Knowledge on Poverty in Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Monday Ngangenin: Sharing Knowledge on Poverty in Tegal Regency

Monday Ngangenin: Sharing Knowledge on Poverty in Tegal Regency

November 20, 2023 | Other Activities

Slawi - The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Tegal Regency held a knowledge sharing activity related to poverty in Tegal Regency on Monday, November 20, 2023. This activity aims to increase the knowledge and understanding of BPS Tegal Regency employees about the concepts, methods, and development of poverty in their area.

The speaker in this activity was Ratna Sari Dewi, Coordinator of the Social Statistics Function of BPS Tegal Regency. In her presentation, she explained the basic concepts of poverty, absolute poverty and relative poverty, macro poverty and micro poverty, components of the poverty line, data sources for poverty measurement, and poverty indicators such as the head count index, depth index, and poverty severity index.

He also presented the latest data on the development of poverty in Tegal Regency. According to BPS data, the poverty line in Tegal Regency rose from Rp 434,638 in March 2022 to Rp 470,728 in March 2023 per capita per month, or an increase of 8.30 percent.

The percentage of poor people in Tegal Regency was 7.30 percent in 2023. This figure ranked Tegal Regency 8th out of 35 regencies/cities in Central Java with the lowest percentage of poor people. The poverty depth index in Tegal regency was 0.88 in 2023. Tegal Regency's poverty severity index was 0.17 in 2023.

This knowledge sharing activity was held in the technical room of BPS Tegal Regency and was attended by all employees of BPS Tegal Regency. This activity is part of the Monday Ngangenin program which is routinely carried out by BPS Tegal Regency every week to improve the competence and performance of its employees. (Wind/Tya)
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