On Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at the Grand Dian Hotel Slawi, BPS Tegal Regency held a refreshing activity on the 2023 Rice and Corn Area Sample Framework (ASF).
This activity aimed to refresh the concept and definition of ASF for both rice and corn ASF as well as a means to formulate strategies to produce accurate data for activities in 2024.
The event was opened by the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji SST, MSi. He conveyed the urgency of the data produced by this ASF activity. He also emphasized that officers can work in accordance with the SOP.
The participants of this activity were the 2023 ASF officers and candidates for the 2024 ASF officers consisting of BPS partners and organics. The material was delivered by Amin Sukardi SST, MSi.
The speaker emphasized the concepts and definitions as well as the practice of using the application. This is intended so that officers do not stutter when going to the field. The speaker also emphasized that officers should prepare physically because this activity is an activity that requires excellent physical condition.
This activity is expected to further generate chemistry between officers and sensitize them to the data produced. Collaboration between BPS partners and BPS employees is believed to be a solid foundation in the effort to produce accurate data. (Mila)