KSA for Tegal Regency Agricultural Data is More Accurate - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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KSA for Tegal Regency Agricultural Data is More Accurate

KSA for Tegal Regency Agricultural Data is More Accurate

July 8, 2024 | BPS Activities

During the “Senin Ngangenin” event held at the meeting room of the Central Statistics Agency (Badan Pusat Statistik) in Tegal Regency on July 8, 2024, speakers Adi Prima and Nurlaeli Ismilarsih provided in-depth explanations about the Area Sampling Framework (Kerangka Sampel Area, KSA) survey. The purpose of this survey is to obtain accurate data regarding harvested area and rice production in Tegal Regency, which is crucial for agricultural planning and policy-making.

The KSA survey represents an innovative and efficient method of collecting data to gather precise information about rice production across various regions. During the session, Adi Prima discussed the background and objectives of the survey, while Nurlaeli Ismilarsih presented the methodology and sampling techniques employed.

The session also covered interim survey results and the various challenges faced in the field. Interactive discussions between participants and speakers led to creative solutions for overcoming these obstacles.

Additionally, the meeting addressed forecasting, as it is hoped that KSA can predict crop phases for the next three months, which can be linked to budgeting and absorption reports. The discussion also included Palawija rice cultivation, covering harvested area, rice production, and rice production in Tegal Regency.

The success of this survey would not be possible without the support of various stakeholders, including farmers whose rice paddies serve as KSA observation segments in Tegal Regency. Stay updated on the latest activities of the Central Statistics Agency in Tegal Regency through our website and social media channels (uzy)

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