A Beautiful Village that Captivates the Heart - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

A Beautiful Village that Captivates the Heart

A Beautiful Village that Captivates the Heart

January 17, 2024 | Other Activities

The Desa Cantik program is in the collaboration stage with the village in charge of the Tegal Regency Regional Government, namely the Village Community Empowerment Office (Dispermades). On Wednesday, January 17, 2024, in the hall of the Village Community Empowerment Office, Head of BPS Tegal Regency Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji and Head of Diskominfo Nurhayati met with Head of the Village Community Empowerment Office Teguh Mulyadi. 

Together with their respective staffs, they discussed agreements for the development of Desa Cantik in three villages, namely Pagerwangi Village, Balapulang Subdistrict, Ujungrusi Village, Adiwerna Subdistrict and Sidapurna Village, Dukuhturi Subdistrict. The most important thing in this meeting was to find common ground on the data and infrastructure to be used.

After various discussions, it can be concluded that the data that will be the basis for the development of Desa Cantik is Regsosek. To obtain regsosek data, there are terms and conditions that apply. This is joint homework because it must involve various elements of regional leadership. Facilities and infrastructure are also an obstacle in implementing the Desa Cantik program. For this reason, there needs to be one more OPD related to regional development planning, namely Bapeda. The agreed follow-up will make a visit to Bappedalitbang Tegal Regency related to the Desa Cantik coaching plan on the following day. It is hoped that all stakeholders will synergize in an effort to build one data from the bottom level. [dds]
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