Synergy of Government Institutions to Create Reliable Sectoral Statistics in Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Synergy of Government Institutions to Create Reliable Sectoral Statistics in Tegal Regency

Synergy of Government Institutions to Create Reliable Sectoral Statistics in Tegal Regency

February 6, 2024 | Other Activities

The preparation meeting for the Evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics on February 6 2024 was held in the Tegal district communications and information meeting room. This meeting was held as an effort to develop sectoral statistics in Tegal district. This meeting was chaired by Mrs. Sri Rejeki, S.IP, MM as Head of the Data, Statistics and Coding Division of Tegal Regency. Also present at the meeting was the Tegal Regency BPS Intermediate Expert Statist, Mrs. Diana Dwi Susanti, SST along with the Tegal Regency BPS sectoral statistics development team, the Tegal Regency BAPPEDA LITBANG young expert statistician, as well as representatives of the Tegal Regency Food and Agriculture Security Service, and also the Regency Fisheries Service Tegal. Their presence is important to ensure that the perspectives and needs of each sector are represented in the evaluation and construction of sectoral statistics.

Through this meeting, stakeholders can coordinate and collaborate in evaluating the implementation of sectoral statistics that have been carried out previously, as well as formulating steps for improvement and development in the future.

This meeting provides an opportunity for stakeholders to plan a better sectoral statistics development strategy, in accordance with the needs and development goals of Tegal Regency.

By establishing the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Fisheries as the locus of evaluation for the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics in Tegal Regency in 2024, this meeting ensures that these sectors will be the main focus in the evaluation, and will receive special attention in the development of sectoral statistics in the future.

This meeting is one of the right steps in developing sectoral statistics in Tegal Regency. It is hoped that through careful evaluation and planning, a strong foundation will be created for the development of better sectoral statistics in the future. (Mart)

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