Visit of BPS Tegal Regency to Pagerwangi Village, Balapulang - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Visit of BPS Tegal Regency to Pagerwangi Village, Balapulang

Visit of BPS Tegal Regency to Pagerwangi Village, Balapulang

February 22, 2024 | Other Activities

On February 22, 2024, Pagerwangi Village in Balapulang Subdistrict took center stage when it received its first visit from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Tegal Regency. The Head of BPS, Bambang, along with Statistisi Madya Diana Dwi Susanti, Uziroh, Tyas, Tika, and Furqon, enlivened the event. Their presence showed their commitment in supporting the development of Pagerwangi Village as a Beautiful Village, which is also known as the Village of Love for Statistics.

The visit was welcomed by Mr. Waluyo, the Head of Pagerwangi Village, who was accompanied by the Village Secretary, Abdul Kholik, and attended by Evant Andi, the Head of the Government Section who acted as the PIC of Desa Cantik Pagerwangi Balapulang. 

Desa Cantik became the center of attention during the visit, with the main discussion regarding the potential of natural tourism in Bukit Rangkok and other aspects of the life of the Pagerwangi Village community. In addition to Pagerwangi Village, Sidapurna Village from Dukuhturi Sub-district and Ujungrusi Village from Adiwerna Sub-district were also highlighted as Beautiful Villages in 2024.

The welcome given by the Pagerwangi Village Officials was very positive. Although there are some notes related to population data, this is overcome by the availability of the latest information that can be accessed through the village's official website
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