Statistics are not just the domain of BPS, but all parties. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

Statistics are not just the domain of BPS, but all parties.

Statistics are not just the domain of BPS, but all parties.

March 15, 2024 | Other Activities

The National Statistical System (SSN) is an order consisting of the elements of statistical data needs, resources, methods, means and supplies, science and technology, legal instruments, and input from the Statistics Society Forum that are regularly interrelated, thus forming a totality in the maintenance of statistics.
The development of the National Statistical System at the district/city level has become essential to ensure the availability of quality statistical data to be used as material for development planning, decision-making and evaluation of programmes at district / city level.
The Communications and Informatics Service (Kominfo) as data guardian, BPS as data builder and OPD as data producer must synergize and actively participate in the development of the National Statistical System.
Together with the BPS of Tegal district, the Department of Communications of the district carried out the construction of sectoral statistics on the National Statistical System in Setda district building on March 15, 2024. Not only BPS, the event was attended by representatives from BAPPEDA and representatives of OPD as data producers. In the opening of the event, the Chief of the Tegal District Communications Service, Dr. Nurhayati, MM informed that all parties in this case OPD is expected to be able to organize statistical activities, ranging from planning, field implementation, processing to decoding data of results of its activities to the public.
Diana Dwi Susanti, SST as Statistics Officer of Madya BPS district of Tegal also gave some important notes in the construction of the National Statistical System at the district level including the facility of public access to obtain information related to the data generated, such as information when the data will be published, data can be dealt with under the specified conditions, data available in various formats and not less important data along with its metadata can be accessed in the portal of one data at district/city level.
With this construction, it is hoped that all parties involved will be able to understand and play an active role in the process of building the National Statistical System, because Statistics is not just a BPS, but belongs to all parties. (Mart)
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