Capturing the Potential of Micro and Small Industries in Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Capturing the Potential of Micro and Small Industries in Tegal Regency

Capturing the Potential of Micro and Small Industries in Tegal Regency

July 4, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (Badan Pusat Statistik) of Tegal Regency will conduct a listing or survey of micro and small businesses through households from July 1 to July 26, 2024. This activity will cover seventy (70) selected Local Environment Units (Satuan Lingkungan Setempat, SLS) across all districts in Tegal Regency. The initiative is supported by approximately thirty-nine (39) field officers.

On July 4, 2024, trained data collectors led by Mohamad Jam Ani, along with field supervisors including Ika Efrilia, SE, MM (an employee of BPS Tegal Regency), coordinated with local villages to collect data in the Blubuk and Kabunan Villages of Dukuhwaru Subdistrict, as well as the Pesarean Village in Adiwerna Subdistrict. They conducted the listing of businesses using the FASIH (Flexible Authentically Survey in Harmony) data collection application installed on their devices. The purpose of this activity is to compile a directory of micro and small industrial businesses operated by the community. These businesses employ fewer than twenty (20) workers and provide information about micro and small industry centers in the region.

Further analysis will be conducted on selected business samples to understand the characteristics of micro and small industrial enterprises in August (IFrilia).

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