Ubinan Rice Survey in Subround 2, 2024: Insights from Srengseng Village, - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Ubinan Rice Survey in Subround 2, 2024: Insights from Srengseng Village,

Ubinan Rice Survey in Subround 2, 2024: Insights from Srengseng Village,

July 16, 2024 | BPS Activities

In the second subround of 2024, the rice ubinan (sampling) activity based on the Area Sampling Framework (Kerangka Sampel Area, KSA) took place in Srengseng Village, Pagerbarang Subdistrict. Agung Wicaksono, the enumerator, and Ari Yulianto, the ubinan supervisor, successfully measured the results of ubinan on a 2.5 x 2.5-meter plot, following standard operating procedures (SOP).

The ubinan method serves as an estimation technique for crop yields, specifically focusing on rice and other staple crops. By combining data from various KSA subsegments, the rice ubinan survey is conducted at locations representative of the target population. The results provide valuable insights into rice productivity in the specified area.

Subsequently, the ubinan data is transmitted to the central BPS server through an application. Ubinan surveys play a crucial role in measuring agricultural productivity within a given region.

The data obtained from ubinan surveys serves as a critical input for agricultural planning and decision-making. Understanding productivity levels allows the government to design more effective and sustainable policies in the agricultural sector.

May this information contribute to informed policy development and enhance agricultural practices in the region (Ary)

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