Statistical Literacy Comes to Fill Monday - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Statistical Literacy Comes to Fill Monday

Statistical Literacy Comes to Fill Monday

July 29, 2024 | Other Activities

On Monday, July 29, 2024, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) in Tegal Regency held an event called “Senin Ngangenin.” This activity is part of BPS Tegal’s work program and aims to foster camaraderie among colleagues while sharing knowledge. All BPS employees participate, and during Senin Ngangenin, they take turns delivering presentations.

In this particular session, the theme was “Statistics Goes to School: BPS Media Disseminating Data for National Enlightenment.” The presentation was given by Ika Efrilia, SE, MM, who leads the Statistics Go to School team. This innovative program by BPS Tegal focuses on providing awareness to high school students (especially at the SMA level) about interpreting information presented in various statistical forms, such as tables and graphs, packaged in a narrative.

The statistical content is presented in a way that is easily understandable for high school students. The session continued with a simulation led by one of the literacy statisticians, Feza Raffa Arnanda, who explained economic growth. This simulation serves as preparation for delivering similar content in several high schools that have collaborated with BPS Tegal through the Goes to School program. The literacy material is delivered in a light-hearted and relaxed manner, with the hope that students will absorb it well and develop rational, systematic, and critical thinking skills to solve everyday life problems across various contexts. The simulation session concluded with feedback and input from employees who engaged with the presented material. (Magang STIS)

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