Enthusiasm and Spirit of SMA N 2 Slawi Students in Statistical Literacy Development - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Enthusiasm and Spirit of SMA N 2 Slawi Students in Statistical Literacy Development

Enthusiasm and Spirit of SMA N 2 Slawi Students in Statistical Literacy Development

August 7, 2024 | Other Activities

On Wednesday, August 8, 2024, BPS Tegal Regency once again conducted a statistical literacy development program through the BPS Goes to School initiative at SMA N 2 Slawi. The BPS Goes to School program aims to enhance numeracy literacy skills as part of the preparation for the Computer-Based National Assessment (ANBK) organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek).

The school appointed Murwatifatin, S.Pd, as the School Statistics Agent to coordinate with BPS Tegal regarding the implementation of this activity. Present at the event were the Head of the BPS Goes to School Team, Ika Efrilia, SE, MM, and the Statistical Literacy Material Team from BPS Tegal Regency.

The statistical literacy development activities were conducted in three designated classes. Class XI.4 was led by Masyukuri, M.Si, and Nito Sudinata; Class XI.5 by Emmy Laeliyah, Amd, and Firda Azzahrotunnisa; and Class XI.6 by Faqih Indra Lesmana and Feza Raffa Arnanda. The material presented focused on the Human Development Index (HDI) and was delivered in an engaging and easily understandable manner for the students of SMA N 2 Slawi.

To enhance the students’ interest in absorbing the material, the team prepared a quiz with questions related to HDI and numeracy literacy. This quiz captured the students’ enthusiasm and eagerness to participate. With an interactive format and unique, interesting questions, the quiz successfully sparked the students’ curiosity and excitement. The top five students with the highest points received prepared prizes. The session concluded with a group photo with the students and the Principal of SMA N 2 Slawi, Siti Ati, S.Pd, M.Pd. The Principal expressed her hope that the knowledge shared by the BPS team would be beneficial for the students. She also hoped that such activities would continue to enhance the school’s efforts in promoting numeracy literacy.(MagangSTIS)

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