Real Contribution in Enhancing Literacy Skills of SMA Negeri 1 Slawi Students - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Real Contribution in Enhancing Literacy Skills of SMA Negeri 1 Slawi Students

Real Contribution in Enhancing Literacy Skills of SMA Negeri 1 Slawi Students

August 9, 2024 | Other Activities

The enthusiasm of SMA N 1 Slawi students regarding the statistical literacy development activities previously held prompted BPS Tegal Regency to return on Friday, August 9, 2024, to provide further statistical literacy training. This initiative aims to enrich the Numeracy Literacy curriculum in high schools. The combination of statistical concepts with literacy is expected to enhance students’ abilities in understanding numeracy literacy. Heti Setiarningsih, S.Pd, the Statistics Agent at SMA N 1 Slawi, is optimistic that the statistical literacy training will motivate students to prepare for the Computer-Based National Assessment (ANBK). This tangible collaboration is part of the special statistical activities organized by BPS Tegal Regency to contribute to improving statistical literacy related to published data, benefiting the wider community.

The statistical literacy training was held in the multipurpose hall prepared by the school. The session addressed social issues, particularly poverty, presented by Hanifah Rahmah, S.Tr.Stat, and Firda Azzahrotunnisa, a representative from the School of Statistics (STIS). The material received positive feedback from the students of SMA N 1 Slawi. The engaging topic led to an increasingly interesting discussion.

To enhance students’ interest in absorbing the material, the team prepared a quiz with questions related to poverty and numeracy literacy. The quiz format successfully boosted the enthusiasm and excitement of the students. The top three students with the highest points received prizes prepared by the material team. The high enthusiasm for the statistical literacy training is expected to foster a deeper understanding and effective application of data in various fields. With a better grasp of statistics, participants are expected to make smarter, data-driven decisions. (MagangSTIS)

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