Supervision from BPS Central Java Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Supervision from BPS Central Java Province

Supervision from BPS Central Java Province

November 17, 2021 | Other Activities

According to Muljono (2010), supervision is a process of teaching whose function is to give instructions, encourage, explain, guide, and increase understanding of the intended object. Therefore, supervision is one form of educative and systematic activity. Like the supervision carried out by the Central Java Provincial BPS Team to the Tegal Regency BPS yesterday. On Wednesday, November 17, 2021, this supervision visit focused on preparing for the preparation of quarterly GRDP and providing input in the preparation of the evaluation desk evaluation that will be carried out by the Tegal Regency BPS with the Kemenpan RB. The supervisory team from BPS Central Java Province are Diana Dwi Susanti, SST and Joko Mulyono.
The Quarterly GRDP Preparation Program for each district and city Central Statistics Agency work unit throughout Indonesia will begin to be implemented simultaneously in 2022. The result of the transfer of knowledge on the supervision is that in the process of preparing quarterly GRDP, various components and supporting data are needed to make it easier to process in the future. As for the presentation of the Integrity Zone evaluation desk by Keempan-RB which was attended by BPS of Tegal Regency, Alhamdulillah, it was carried out smoothly and well thanks to the hard work of all employees in the preparation process. Various inputs and suggestions from the Provincial BPS Supervisory Team during preparations also took part in attending the evaluation desk yesterday.
As stated by the Head of BPS for Tegal Regency, Mr. Ir. Jamaludin, MM at the apple this morning, “everything has worked well, for the results of our work we leave it to the Almighty. We wish you the best results from the efforts we have done together.” Amen! (Lathifah/STIS, Tri/Nerwil)
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