Monitoring the Quality of Household Update Results Data in the Advanced SP2020 Activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Monitoring the Quality of Household Update Results Data in the Advanced SP2020 Activities

Monitoring the Quality of Household Update Results Data in the Advanced SP2020 Activities

May 17, 2022 | BPS Activities

The initial stage of the 2020 Advanced Population Census (SP2020 Advanced) or Long Form SP2020 (LF SP2020) activities is household updating. The implementation of this household updating nationally in all parts of Indonesia has begun on May 15, 2022, including in Tegal Regency. The number of Census Block (BS) samples that were sampled in this LF SP2020 activity was 1,100 Census Blocks (BS) from 5,100 CBs in Tegal Regency. A number of these samples are spread over 18 sub-districts, including in Suradadi sub-district as many as 68 BS.

The officers involved in this activity in Suradadi District were 14 PPL (Field Data Collection Officers), 5 Kortim (Team Coordinator) and 2 Koseka (Sub-district Census Coordinator). In carrying out this update, PPL comes directly from house to door (door to door) to obtain data on the presence of the family, identification of the head of the family (KK) / head of household (KRT), KRT education level, number of household members, and the presence/absence of death in the household.

In order to oversee the realization of quality data, gradual supervision must be carried out in accordance with established standard operating procedures. For this reason, all efforts are made by the Team Coordinator and Koseka in conducting field supervision and checking the updated documents so that the data obtained is in accordance with the guidelines as well as concepts and definitions.

Coordination meetings between the Koseka and the team for evaluation of field implementation as well as periodic inspection of the results of updates are carried out every 2 days. It is hoped that with this intensive evaluation, the quality of household updating data can be realized. (alpha)
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