Sector Statistics Development Coordination Meeting and Beautiful Villages in Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Sector Statistics Development Coordination Meeting and Beautiful Villages in Tegal Regency

Sector Statistics Development Coordination Meeting and Beautiful Villages in Tegal Regency

June 24, 2022 | Other Activities

Friday morning (24/06/2022) in the Tegal Regency BPS Meeting Room, a Sector and Beautiful Village Statistics Development Coordination Meeting (Desa Cinta Statistik) was held which was attended by elements from BPS, Bappeda, Diskominfo, Dispermasdes, and Disdukcapil. This coordination meeting is a follow-up to the activity of declaring sectoral statistics development which has been carried out on June 20, 2022, at the Amangkurat Pendopo, Tegal Regency Government.
On the occasion of this coordination meeting, the Head of BPS for Tegal Regency, Jamaludin, said that the need for sectoral statistics was very important in providing data for development planning. For information, that Sectoral Statistics are statistics whose utilization is intended to meet the needs of certain government agencies in the context of implementing government tasks and development tasks which are the main tasks of the relevant government agencies.

BPS as the data supervisor plays a role in providing recommendations for statistical activities in the data development planning process as well as providing guidance on the implementation of the One Indonesian Data (SDI) which is the mandate of Presidential Decree No. 39 of 2019. In assisting the implementation of Sectoral Statistics Development and Beautiful Villages, BPS Tegal Regency involves all statistician functional officers who are divided into 11 (eleven) teams with Young Statisticians as Team Leaders. Each team is responsible for providing assistance to 4 - 5 OPD (regional apparatus organizations).

In this activity also discussed related to the Beautiful Village Program (Desa Cinta Statistik) which is a step to optimize sectoral statistics development at the village/kelurahan level. In the initial stage, in 2022, the Beautiful Village Program will carry out village-level sectoral statistical development in Ujungrusi Village, Adiwerna District and Sidapurna Village, Dukuhturi District.

It is hoped that the Sector and Beautiful Village Statistics Development Program can run smoothly as planned, so that the planning process and regional development policies are always based on data. (alpha)
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