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For more details, please visit the Tegal Regency BPS Integrated Statistics Service, open Monday to Friday 08.00 WIB to 15.30 WIB.
February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day
Pancasila Miracle Day Ceremony: Pancasila Unifying the Nation Towards Advanced Indonesia
October 1, 2023 | Other Activities
Pancasila Miracle Day is an important moment for the people of Indonesia, commemorating the tragic events of G30S/PKI in 1965 that tested the firmness of Pancasila as the foundation of the state. This year's theme, "Pancasila as the Unifier of the Nation Towards an Advanced Indonesia," is a strong foundation to unite various elements of society in the spirit of national unity and progress.
The ceremony also became a momentum to strengthen the bond of brotherhood among BPS employees. Their togetherness in celebrating Pancasila Day reflects the spirit of togetherness that should be an example for the wider community.
In addition, the presence of several Regency and City BPS employees in Central Java showed support and solidarity between units in carrying out BPS' mission, which is to collect, process, analyze, and disseminate accurate and reliable statistical data.
During the ceremony, the Red and White flag fluttered proudly, and the Indonesia Raya song reverberated, reminding us all of the value and dignity of Pancasila as a state ideology that must be upheld. The spirit to continue advancing Indonesia to become a better, fairer, and more prosperous country is a strong message in this commemoration of Pancasila Miracle Day.
At the end of the event, a joint prayer was offered to pray for the progress of the nation and state of Indonesia and for Pancasila to always color every step of our journey as a nation. May the spirit of this day continue to burn in the hearts of every Indonesian citizen, leading us to a more glorious future.
The Pancasila Miracle Day ceremony at BPS Tegal Regency this year is clear evidence that Pancasila remains a strong adhesive in Indonesia's diversity, and the spirit to build an advanced Indonesia continues to burn in every corner of the country.(Wind)