Tegal Regency BAPPEDA DAN LITBANG Holds Guidance on SEPAKAT Utilization - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Tegal Regency BAPPEDA DAN LITBANG Holds Guidance on SEPAKAT Utilization

Tegal Regency BAPPEDA DAN LITBANG  Holds Guidance on SEPAKAT Utilization

February 28, 2024 | Other Activities

The Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency (BAPPEDALITBANG) of Tegal Regency held a technical guidance on the utilization of the Integrated Poverty Planning, Budgeting, Analysis and Evaluation System (SEPAKAT) at the Bina Cipta Loka Room, on 28-29 February 2024. The technical guidance was attended by participants from related agencies, such as the Central Bureau of Statistics, the Communication and Information Office, village operators, sub-districts, and designated regional apparatus organizations (OPD). The event was opened by Febrie Hastiyanto (Associate Expert Planner of Bappedalitbang Tegal Regency), followed by remarks from Diana Dwi Susanti (Associate Expert Statistician of BPS Tegal Regency), and Widaryatmo (Associate Expert Planner of Bappenas RI).

To support the smoothness and orderliness of the event, the day before, the Bimtek participants were briefed by Nur Isnaeni (Head of Planning, Control and Evaluation), Leny Nur Rahayu S.A (Junior Expert Statistician of Bappedalitbang), and Adnan Puji Wahyudi (Junior Expert Statistician of BPS Tegal Regency). 

The instructors came from the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), namely Widaryatmo, Riski Raisa Putra, and Herjuno Bagus Wicaksonoputro. They provided material on macro, micro, and aggregate data, as well as how to use the SEPAKAT application for development purposes. The SEPAKAT application can help in planning, evaluating, monitoring, and analyzing the economic conditions of the community, so that the allocation of government programs can be right on target.

The technical guidance participants are required to be responsible and trustworthy for the data obtained, and maintain that the SEPAKAT application can be used for the common good. This guidance also aims to improve participants' ability to keep up with technological developments in the millennial era, which are moving very fast. Participants are expected to remain enthusiastic to continue learning and adapting to change. Tegal Regency BAPPEDA Holds SEPAKAT Utilization Guidance (tri)

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