“Optimization of Simpasar: Strategic Steps in Improving the Accuracy of Basic Needs Price Data” - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

“Optimization of Simpasar: Strategic Steps in Improving the Accuracy of Basic Needs Price Data”

“Optimization of Simpasar: Strategic Steps in Improving the Accuracy of Basic Needs Price Data”

March 21, 2024 | Other Activities

The Department of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Cooperatives, and Trade recommends sectoral statistical activities for monitoring market prices and entering them into Simpasar. Simpasar is the Management Information System for Merchants, Stock, and Public Market Prices of Tegal Regency. This application provides data on public markets, prices, and stock of market goods.

In addition to recommending activities, the Department of MSMEs, Cooperatives, and Trade collaborates with the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) to oversee these activities in accordance with the GSPBM business process.

After such planning, on Thursday (21/3), the Department of MSMEs, Trade, and Cooperatives of Tegal Regency held a Technical Guidance (Bimtek) event and assistance for data collection of basic needs prices through the Simpasar application. Held in the hall of the Department of Trade and MSMEs of Tegal Regency, this event aims to improve the accuracy and validation of basic needs price data within the Simpasar application. The participants of this Bimtek were representatives of 15 market officers from various districts in Tegal Regency. They are officers responsible for collecting data on the prices of basic needs in the public market. In this event, they will receive guidance and direct assistance from the mentor from the Tegal Regency Central Statistics Agency.

Ratna Sari Dewi, as a speaker, provided knowledge and practical guidance to the market officers on using the Simpasar application. She explained the importance of the accuracy and validation of basic needs price data entered into the application. With accurate and valid data, the Simpasar application can provide useful information for traders and the public in making the right decisions regarding the prices of goods.

This event also provided an opportunity for market officers to share experiences and challenges they face in data collection. Interactive discussions and Q&A sessions were conducted to deepen understanding of the use of the Simpasar application and effective data collection strategies.

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