Coordination for Desa Cantik Program in Pagerwangi Village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Coordination for Desa Cantik Program in Pagerwangi Village

Coordination for Desa Cantik Program in Pagerwangi Village

July 16, 2024 | Other Activities

Balapulang – As part of the preparations for the Desa Cantik (Beautiful Village) program in 2024, coordination has taken place between the Desa Cantik facilitators and representatives from Waluyo Village (the head of Pagerwangi Village). This discussion involved several Desa Cantik facilitators, including Diana Dwi Susanti, Uziroh, Imam Furqon Roziqin, and Kartika Sari Sunarno.

The meeting, held in Pagerwangi Village, focused on planning programs aimed at enhancing and advancing the village. Here are some key points discussed:

  1. Poverty Data Provision: Efforts to collect data related to the socio-economic conditions of the community in Pagerwangi Village, with the goal of designing relevant programs.

  2. Environmental Awareness: Despite existing waste management efforts and increased awareness among residents about cleanliness, there is a need for programs to further raise environmental consciousness.

  3. Unemployment Data: Identifying and gathering data on unemployment in the village to design appropriate training or assistance programs.

  4. Village Potential: Exploring the village’s potential, particularly in the micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM) sector and handicrafts—areas currently being developed under the leadership of the village head. Human resource development (SDM) is also a focus.

It’s worth noting that the jambanisasi (toilet construction) program is already underway and does not need to be included as part of the Desa Cantik program. May this collaboration yield positive results and strengthen the spirit of Desa Cantik in Pagerwangi.(Tyca)

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