Ensuring the Quality of Micro and Small Industry Survey Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Ensuring the Quality of Micro and Small Industry Survey Data

Ensuring the Quality of Micro and Small Industry Survey Data

December 27, 2024 | BPS Activities

At the end of 2024, the Tegal Regency BPS is increasingly enthusiastic about ensuring data quality. One of them is the quality control of data in the micro and small industry (IMK) survey, which is conducted quarterly with a panel respondent system. On Friday, December 27, 2024, a Briefing on the Preparation for the Quarterly IMK Survey Data Collection was held, which will be carried out from January 2 to 11, 2025. By inviting data collectors and supervisors, the Head of the Tegal Regency BPS, Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, conveyed directions regarding the importance of the quality of data produced from this micro and small industry survey, one of which is to be able to describe the phenomenon of regional economic growth, especially from the industrial sector. He also emphasized that data collectors should be able to delve deeper into questions to respondents if there are significant data changes from the previous quarter, it is necessary to further explore the background of these changes, he said. In this activity, it was also conveyed that there was a change in the work team for the INPEK activity, by placing two young statisticians as team leader and deputy, namely Masykuri Mohsan and Ika Efrilia to oversee the INPEK activities in 2025, which is full of preparations for the grand event of the 2026 Economic Census. This activity is considered quite important, because in every survey implementation, it must certainly be preceded by structured planning and knowledge training for data collectors. (IFrilia)
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