Young Statisticians from BPS Tegal Regency Present Innovative Applications - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Young Statisticians from BPS Tegal Regency Present Innovative Applications

Young Statisticians from BPS Tegal Regency Present Innovative Applications

January 16, 2025 | Other Activities

Two young statisticians from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Tegal Regency, Puji Astuti and Martin Muktiasih, successfully presented their change action plans in the form of innovative applications on Thursday, January 16, 2024. The presentation, which took place from 08.30 to 09.30 WIB, was witnessed online by Joko Suwarjo, an examiner from BPS Central Java Province, and attended by their mentors, Head of General Affairs Andi Kurniawan, Senior Statistician Diana Dwi Susanti, and Junior Prakom Imam Furqon Roziqin. Puji Astuti presented the Siloken application (Respondent Location Information System), an application that can show the location of respondents down to the household or company level. This application is expected to improve the efficiency and accuracy of data collection in the field. Meanwhile, Martin Muktiasih presented the Cekin application (Check Tourism Information), which provides complete information about hotels and tourist destinations in Tegal Regency. This application aims to support the development of the tourism sector in the region, especially the hotel sector. These two innovative applications are the result of the hard work and creativity of young statisticians in an effort to improve the quality of service and provision of statistical data at BPS Tegal Regency. This presentation demonstrates BPS's commitment to promoting innovation and the use of information technology to support statistical tasks. The success of this presentation is tangible evidence of BPS Tegal Regency's commitment to nurturing and developing the potential of its young statisticians. It is hoped that these applications can make a significant contribution to improving the quality of statistical data and public services at BPS Tegal Regency.

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