Statistics Literacy Goes to SMAN 2 Slawi - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Statistics Literacy Goes to SMAN 2 Slawi

Statistics Literacy Goes to SMAN 2 Slawi

February 21, 2024 | Other Activities

Starting a series of Statistical Literacy activities as a form of responsibility for statistical guidance to the wider community, this time BPS Tegal Regency started with Literacy Statistics Goes to School SMAN 2 Slawi, Wednesday, February 21, 2024. Together with the Goes to School Team, Ika Efrilia SE, MM Junior Expert Statistician provided briefings to representatives of class X and XI students of SMAN 2 Slawi so that they get insight and enlightenment about statistics and "official statistics".
The event was opened by the Principal of SMA 2 Slawi, Mrs. Siti Ati, S.Pd, M.Pd and was also attended by the Head of General Subdivision of BPS Tegal Regency Andi Kurniawan, S.ST, M.Si in the laboratory room of SMAN Kab Tegal. Siti Ati really welcomed this activity because it was in line with the needs of the school, namely "numeric" literacy, it was hoped that this activity could collaborate with school programs and improve the achievements of SMAN 2 Slawi students. 
The literacy material presented is the result of a study of student learning needs combined with basic statistical literacy. This activity will take place in 3 meetings, and at the first meeting Ika Efrilia conducted "brainstorming" with students to get to know more data, information and formulate a problem into indicators that can be used as questionnaire or questionnaire instruments to be used in certain surveys that produce certain data.
The follow-up of this activity is to hold a competition at the high school level to select the best School Statistics Ambassador and the appointment of a Statistical Literacy locus at the school as a "central point" for the dissemination of useful and quality statistics and will be a follow-up program of BPS Tegal Regency. (Ikalia)
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